"There is no hunting like the hunting of a man and those were hunted armed man long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter!" I have to say ever since watching the fist Predator movie in the series, I've been fascinated with the franchise. Going from Predator to Predators... Similar to…
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About: Eternal Angler
"See you at the Party Richta!"
Recent Posts by Eternal Angler
JC Dropshots Review of Ranger RT 198 P Bass Boat & Warranty – Broken Welds
So when I was in my 20s and was excited to buy my first fishing boat, I just jumped on the band wagon and bought a used 2000 Smokercraft off Craigslist without doing any research... I was just thrilled to get out on the water, little did I know I was about to get myself…
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Rocky 4 Carl Weathers – “Warrior may as well be dead stallion”
In previous articles I've been writing how some of the best athletes in hockey, football and basketball make the greatest musky fishermen... Today I'm going to be touching on how since reaching 40, I've definitely seen a lot in life, seen a lot of change in these sports because of the new technology, some say…
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Classic Game Room is Back with Lord Carnage!
If you love old classic arcade games or just a sucker for retro 80s nostalgia, you have to subscribe to Classic Game Room on YouTube! Somewhat similar to the Nintendo Nerd minus all the swearing and Corona, yet just as funny! Lord Carnage's outrageous reviews with a cheezy 80s voice cracked me up nonstop for…
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Robert Kennedy Jr. on Joe Rogan – Herbicide Found in Texans Drinking Water Turns 4 of 40 Male frogs into Females
Hey why won't Rogan have Clean Coal Trump on? If Libtards were smart, they'd run off of slogan, corporations like Monsanto are lowering testosterone in men and their babies with herbicides like Glyphosate and Atrazine, aka Endocrine Distruptor, leading to even castration and Hermaphroditism, that'll definitely grab people's attention! Robert Kennedy Jr. is already kind…
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Grosse Pointe Inshore Fishing Classic

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Eternal Angler (@eternal.angler) A couple years back I wrote a great article on my Esox Forum about how much fun shoreline fishing for musky can be compared to the boat... It's a different experience, this species of fish is more likely to jump and fight harder,…
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Appreciate your Freedom to be on the Water to Fish for Musky Every Day of your Life!

It's a privledge to be on the same water that these men have fought for, all I can say is appreciate it the freedom to fish for musky every day of your life... Amazes me some take the Great Lakes, the water in general for granted, remember the best things in life are free -…
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OCD & Being Set in your Ways within Fishing Community is Pretty Bad at Times
I first want to say, I very much appreciate this angler's feedback, he has his own point of view and that's fine. But at times, I think this point of view can be destructive and detrimental to the fishing hobby at times, for all sports for that matter. I always talk about breaking free of…
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Thinking of Running a Lithium Battery for my Minn Kota Terrova 24v Trolling Motor
There definitely has been a huge revolt within the muscle car community on lithium battery powered muscle cars... If you've seen the hundreds of anti-electric car videos on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube videos you know exactly what I'm talking about... I'm definitely not one of those people! Yes I will extremely miss the V8 when…
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Deep Animal Connection

Do some people have more of a deep animal connection than others, some type of clairvoyancy or telepathic communication to animals? Sometimes they just understand what the animals are thinking? Mind-Altering Power of Deep Animal Connection - "One morning Lisa Donahue walked into her dining room and saw her six-year-old son, Aidan, and their large…
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Recent Comments by Eternal Angler
- May 17, 2021 on Rare Albino Deer at Kent Lake Milford Michigan