Chasing Adrenaline Rush with Safer Sports

An angler has found a rush in musky fishing that he's never experienced before with bass fishing!

First off, I'd like to say I'm not trying to deter anyone from extreme sports such as snowboarding or bodybuilding, but I think it's good to bring awareness to the repercussions from participating in these sports, as well as showing there's another way to find that rush without putting your health and life on the line, without taking the route Trevor Jacob has taken, as well as other YouTubers like Boston Lloyd who died at 29 from taking steroids. Going to War with the Great Muskellunge is one of the sports that I think is a safe adrenaline rush! One things for sure, as blown up views are being pushed by extremist activity, more and more teenagers are noticing this and are pushing themselves towards doing crazy things to grab easy views and popularity, even health guru Gregg Plitt is one of them, somewhere down the line he forgot what the point of the sport was.

Bottom line, if a drug is going to shorten my life span of enjoying sports such as hunting and fishing later in life like Ted Nugent says, I'm not taking it! These extreme sports make up such a short period of your life, if I'm still musky fishing when I'm 50, I'll be happy!

Ted Nugent on the Disturbing Behavior he's monitored throughout the years, how hunting has turned into a natural anti-depressent for him to seek out happiness, not drugs!

I think something like Nick Strength and Power is someone to look up to, someone who has shown how to participate in a sport without doing an extreme drug such as steroids, yet still making a living and enjoyment from the sport he loves such as bodybyilding! He also talks about some of these athletes were are starting to lose at a much younger age compared to Arnold and Francu Columbu from the Golden age of boydybuilding, who reminds you, Arnold still had a bypass, but he's still alive unlike many of the other bodybuilders you see in Nick's videos!

Last thing I want to see is our future turn into something like Idiocracy! Where everyone sits around, watching stupid videos like Mr Beast videos, the guy brings no educational value to the plate when comparing to healthy sports, it's all crap like shown in Idiocracy! All Mr Beast is showing is that he's buried himself, swim with sharks, and sat with snakes for views... We all know what happened to the Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin. While I think Steve brought in a much more educational value to his videos than Mr. Beast, I think we can still learn from his mistakes, I think mother nature is nothing to take lightly and full around with.

More and more of this is starting to pop up within even mupbanging!

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