Nanobots & Neuralink able to Cure Disease

I suspect nanobots, neuralink, will be able to cure a lot of disease, but also some food for thought if you watched the movie upgrade, gives someone the opportunity to possibly hack your own body, which could result in someone or some thing controlling you(that could be Artificial Intelligence, could mean ETs from another planet, could mean Corporations and/or a simple hacker/individual), both scary yet encouraging times we're living in. Would you sacrifice your freedom for curing of disease or become millionaire like Mr. Beast is referring to because you'll be a lot more intelligent, has he totally thought this through though...? Some people will do anything for money, that's obvious, I'm not one of those people. Some would never sacrifice their freedom for even a disease cure or becoming a millionaire, quite evident during the mandate. As we evolve with this technology, even Elon Musky suggests it's inevitable we'll have to start putting chips in people's brains to keep up with Artificial Intelligence's own intelligence, to keep a level playing field, so much to think about, yet so little is being thought about or taught in schools nowadays in this new Transhumanist age we're about to enter...

Director film maker Jeremy Corbell made a documentary about a scientist that claims nano bot technology already exists in the current technological age we're live in but actually shouldn't be here, explain that? Who created it? Are we already living in a simulation?

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